Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to some common questions.

1. Who can use IRFX services?

Any one who lives legally in any of the European countries and Canada and holds a bank account in their name can use our services. If you don’t find your country in the list please let us know.

2. How do I send money to overseas bank?
3. Do I need to register?
4. What is the minimum and Maximum amount I can send?
5. How to verify your IRFX account?
6. How long will my transaction take to be delivered?
7. How does IRFX save me money?
8. Can I pay by Credit card or debit card?
9. Can I amend my beneficiary details once the transaction is confirmed?
10. How do I send the money for my transaction?
11. How do I cancel a transaction?
12. Do you take money from my bank account?
13. Is my money safe?
14. What is the minimum system requirement?
15. How secure is the IRFX website?

Have a question?

If you still could not find answer to your question. Please contact us at [javascript protected email address] or Call: +44 (0) 20 3588 4105